
🙇 you can skip my free software rant if you're only interested in seeing the software i use

i try to use free software as much as possible, and i believe you should too. embracing free software isn't merely about virtue signaling; it's a practical choice that can have real impacts.

"Free software" means software that respects users' freedom and community. Roughly, it means that the users have the freedom to run, copy, distribute, study, change and improve the software. Thus, "free software" is a matter of liberty, not price. To understand the concept, you should think of "free" as in "free speech," not as in "free beer". We sometimes call it "libre software," borrowing the French or Spanish word for "free" as in freedom, to show we do not mean the software is gratis. - The Free Software Foundation

keeping a secret from others is not an evil itself. everyone has secrets, everyone has a right to keep their work to themselves. you are not doing something evil merely because you don't wish to share something per se; rather, it's about recognizing that in the realm of software, sharing knowledge is paramount for ensuring that no power imbalance exists in access to technology. when proprietary software is kept secret, it creates a power imbalance between those who have access to the code and those who do not. this secrecy can lead to issues that range from hidden vulnerabilities to violations of privacy where you are beholden to the whims of the proprietary software provider.

by withholding the source code, developers (or providers) are essentially denying the users the freedom to understand, modify, and share the software as they see fit. when proprietary software is monetized without granting users the freedom to inspect and modify it, the power imbalance is further exacerbated. users are forced into a transaction where they exchange money for a product whose inner workings they cannot scrutinize or change. this creates a culture of dependency on closed systems.

contrary to the misconceptions, advocating for free software does not mean that developers cannot sell their products. it instead means that the software respects your rights as a user to inspect, modify, and redistribute as they see fit. free software is not about price; it's about liberty.


doom emacs running on "sayouri"

web browsing

modern day browsing requires a modern browser. while advocacy groups like the fsf may not fully endorse organizations like mozilla due to issues ranging from drm to their partnership with google it's important to recognize the work mozilla has done in offering a fully free and alterable web browser.

there are alternatives to mozilla's firefox like ungoogled chromium if chromium is a must. but i believe that a good browser must come from a reputable source, a source that has moved mountains in the space of web browsers, and a source that (while hindered) continues to advocate for a free internet.

drawing and digital art

i feel like for many who learn to draw digitally they are pushed towards adobe or clipart as the only go tos for drawing on a computer. if you feel like adobe is your only option, remember that pirating adobe products is always morally correct.

kiki and konqi by goshaag Kiki and Konqi by goshaag

operating systems

this is an area of contention for many, especially gen z and alpha. we're too used to windows. i have to admit i have fond memories of windows xp and 7 from school and i argue they were some of the best versions of windows microsoft ever released including windows 8 (yes, windows 8, it was very optimized).

we're also too used to ios, and i'm also personally very fond of windows phone (yes, i loved the ui and it presented an open platform that was recognizable).

to that i say, it's OK! i have a macbook, an iphone, and still use windows (followers of our gnu/lord sue me). it's important to recognize that free software is something that presents itself not just a way of doing, but a philosophy. the more people begin to use free software on their closed systems, the more inclined they may be to use more free software. that's how i started.

now, i only use windows solely for gaming with anticheats like faceit or honkai. that's where it ends. the moment i can natively play these games without windows my desktop will be fully liberated. yes, i've thought about virtualization but it presents many technical issues with lockdown browser from school.

"sayouri" desktop Fedora Linux 39 with KDE Plasma spin, my taskbar is at the top

konqi on top of the kde oxygen logo Konqi the KDE dragon

video editing